Tuesday, November 2, 2010


 my dad being a creep per usual :)
We have a lovely cabin in Sundance that my family stays at when they come visit, and its one of my favorite places in the whole world. No matter what time of year it is gorgeous. My brother and dad were in town for the weekend so I got to not only see my family but spend some much needed time in nature. I always feel so happy and calm up there, nothing clears your head like the fresh mountain air. I came up with the silly saying: "Sundance state of mind" its so I can remind myself to keep that peaceful feeling with me all the time.

The only bad thing was that I got a GIANT splinter in the bottom of my foot (apparently my love for nature is unrequited) I tried for quite some time to get it out but was unsuccessful. So I finally decided he can stay there, for scientific purposes. Ether it will work itself out, or I am going to have a piece of wood stuck in my foot forever, which could be pretty bad ass.

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