Monday, February 28, 2011

holy crap a pirate ship

Can you imagine if this was you bedroom when you were a kid, scratch that I would love it just as much now!


 I am without a book to read at the moment and this simply wont do.
no, this wont do at all.

Beige and Teal.

My latest favorite color combination Blue and Beige so pretty for a home (and maybe a wedding?)
spotted here. (one of my favorite internet haunts.)

This is one of my favorite quotes and its in this too cute print from The Wheatfield. I love love love her prints and I think I will be purchasing one soon you can too here

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

back to the future

 How cool is this! This is a photography project by Irena Werning, she re-creates old pictures Im slightly obsessed.

snowed in!

My family came in town this weekend to go skiing and it was so much fun to see them! Taylor and I stayed in Sundance with them, we were planning on staying one night but mother nature had other plans. there was a huge storm and we were snowed in till Monday (there was an avalanche in Provo canyon, so we were seriously stuck). It was so much fun, the power went out and they were blasting charges in the mountains to create avalanches.

Our three cars in the driveway you can tell were they are by the side mirrors.

We built a snow fort, and ambushed my parents with snowballs when they got back from there walk.

This is just when the storm began little did I know how much more snow there would be.

Thank goodness we had the big fireplace for when the power went out or else I probably would have froze to death (not an exaggeration)

Giant mound of snow against my bedroom window that I was sure was going to come crashing in and smoother me at any moment.

This is the same spot you may recall were I was standing earlier. quite a lot more snow now.

Maybe you shouldn't have worn sweatpants and no socks outside?

I made Tay a delicious breakfast to warm him up.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

what my friends and I do.



love notes and treats

This is a pancake pen that allows people to get creative with there pancakes, or in my friends and I's case raunchy and juvenile

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I had a really hard week and needed a little cheering up so Taylor took me up to Salt Lake to go visit anthropologie (which always makes me blissfully happy) but on the way we discovered an antique mall and decided to go exploring.
worst shoes ever for a day of walking about.

side note: This is my new dress I got from work, I am only slightly completely obsessed with it
Ok back on track:

" a curious collection of somewhat salty classics seldom sung  in Sunday School "

he looked so dashing in this suede coat I cant believe he didn't buy it.

oh you know just your run of the mill swastika saddle 

 Im so scared of these things that I thought I was going to become instantly possessed just by holding it.